Monday, October 8, 2012

Birds of a Feather & Mid-October News

BIRDS of a Feather
Bird themed painting and sculpture
Suzette Jones, G.A. Scattergood-Moore, Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein

October 15-November 16, 2012
Opening Reception: Tuesday, October 16, 5-7:30 p.m.

Gallery Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday and Friday: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Gallery at Dana Hall School
45 Dana Road
Wellesley, MA 02482-9010
Read more about the show online, 'Art Gallery features Bird Imagery.'

I will be exhibiting a few of my sculptures in this exhibition:
Culture Vulture I, 38" tall, wood, paint by Donna Dodson
The original Culture Vulture lurks on the edges of culture with hunger. Like an angel of mercy, she knows when to strike. Opportunistic by nature she preys on the vulnerabilities of others.
Red Tail Hawk, 41" tall, wood, pigment, enamel by Donna Dodson
Red Tail Hawk is common presence in our midst. Like a Haida sculpture, or a totem of a school marm, the steely gaze of her watchful eyes mind her charges with protection and good care.
Little Red Riding Hood, 32" tall, wood, paint by Donna Dodson
Little Red Riding Hood is anything but little. Her big feet threaten to stomp on any wolves, or predators that would dare to cross her path. Her big shoulders allude to her inner strength.
White Stork, 39" tall, wood, paint by Donna Dodson
White Stork brings the baby in her tummy instead of her beak. She is both a celebration of fertility and motherhood as well as a subversion of the popular myth of the baby bringer.

Update: This show was reviewed by Natasha Hampton on December 29, 2012 in the Hallmanac, Dana Hall School's online student produced news source.

Night Hunter

A burning owl fire sculpture by MythMakers Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein
Fruitlands Museum, Harvard MA at 5:30p (dusk) on Saturday, October 27, 2012
Weather permitting! Please check the Fruitlands website for updates on the day of the event.

Owls hunt on silent wings, often unseen,  in the dark of night. For all of history, civilizations have celebrated their mystery in myths of magic and deep knowing. Celebrate the end of the season with Fruitlands Museum in a dusk ceremony of fire and community. Enjoy this family gathering with s'mores, cider, apples, and the grand finale of a forty foot flaming owl as the sun sets and the October Hunter's Full Moon rises over the late fall landscape.

This free community gathering sponsored by Fruitlands Museum and MythMakers Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein.

Image: Phoenix, Fire Sculpture, by Myth Makers: Andy Moerlein and Donna Dodson